Guatemala 2014

Guatemala 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

// O N E W E E K //

This past weekend I went galavanting around Austin to get essential items for the trip. One of those important things being preventative lice spray. Yep. You read right... lice. I was informed while out and about this weekend that a lice epidemic has occurred at the hogar. Those poor little girls :( Please be praying for their little heads and for all of us that we don't pick up lice as well! Everyone will be doing what they can to prevent it.

This week is going to go by incredibly quick I have no doubts about that. Today I had my last day of cleaning house for my parents. I've been doing this every other week to earn some extra spending and expense money for the trip and it takes all day so I'm pretty pooped. There's so much to do before next tuesday I am having to make sure I make my lists and check them twice. haha. I'm starting to throw things into my bag that I know I will be needing to pack which is exciting!

Let's see... Let's see... I don't think there's too much to update everyone on a week out other than how close we are to lift off! I am so close to reaching my fundraising goal so thank you so much to all who donated towards this trip I am so thankful and cannot wait to be serving with the Work, Play, Love team. There are a couple people who may be sending some donations so I'm sure that I will have reached the goal by the end of this week!

Be sure to check out the Work Play Love Facebook Page!

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