Guatemala 2014

Guatemala 2014

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Purity's Treasure

Today is a big day for me. I would have never guessed that a year ago when in production for "ALONE" that I would be speaking at a teen girls conference in Hampton. Today's conference is called "Purity's Treasure Girls Conference", attending will be Middle School & High School girls. My purpose is served there by introducing Human Trafficking, showing Alone, and then talking about Human Trafficking, my Passions and Dreams when it comes to raising awareness for the cause, and how God is using the passions and dreams he has instilled in me. I am absolutely blown away by the fact that in 2 hours I will be standing on stage, with a mic in my hand speaking to a group of almost 150 teen girls. I have outlined what I am going to say but I did pray last night that God would intercede with words He would have me speak. You can plan all you want but ultimately this life and these blessings are not mine to begin with so I am giving them up to the Lord to have Him do with them what he wishes.

Dan McCullum (Director of ALONE) and Megan Hawkins ( will be accompanying me on this adventure. We basically will be leaving in less than an hour so I should probably get myself ready.

"Today is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it"

More Updates, Information and Stories to come!