Guatemala 2014

Guatemala 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014

Tres Dias En Guatemala!

Today was day three and I already cannot believe that it's over. Let me do a little recap of what the last three days were like. Bear with me because I am exhausted right now and I know that I promised a video log but my words will have to do for now. I met Allison in Ft. Lauderdale where I basically hopped off my plane grabbed a hot dog and jumped on my next flight. I had the entire row to myself which was awesome because that meant Alli could come and sit with me and we could use the middle seat for all our things. :) It's silly but I'm thankful because it gave us a perfect experience heading out to Guatemala City together.

We arrived in GC and were picked up by Estuardo (Karen's husband - They own and run the orphanage). Estuardo took us to get lunch at a pizza hut and then we went shopping for some groceries for the two days we were spending in the orphanage. We finally made it to the orphanage and dropped our things off. We got a full tour of the whole Princesa Hogar. It is beautiful. Like seriously these girls are going to be living a fairytale life there at the hogar and its so touching to see how so many donations of funds and time and love have made this dream of Karen & Estuardo's come true. They are still finishing up the final touches before saturday. The girls did have lice and we were warned so for the days we were at the girls hogar we didn't wash our hair. So today was day three of dirty hair until we made it to the hotel and that shower was glorious. haha.

All the kids want to touch my camera and want to take photos and see them after I record them. I keep having to remind them "No Tocar Por Favor" which is "No Touching Please." I'm getting along pretty well with my spanish and learning more and more as the days go by. The kids think its hilarious if I misuse a word or mess up the pronunciation. I have been doing A LOT of filming. We walked the boys to school the other day which is a two mile walk and half way there a Taxi Van pulled up and the Profesora with us said in spanish "everyone in the van! hurry! hurry!" it was seriously almost like a scene out of a movie. We piled about 25 kids and like 5 adults plus the drives in the van which we took the rest of the way to school. They don't always do that but when they have the chance they take it. It's quite the hike back up to the hogar too. My legs were feeling it the next day for sure.

I will have to tell you all more about the boys home tomorrow. I'm just so tired I will have to leave you with a few pictures and tell you about how filming is going as well.

Shout out to my dad who's birthday was today... yesterday...! De quiero mucho papi!

Hasta MaƱana!

Monday, May 19, 2014

¡Una Dia!

By this time tomorrow I should be almost to the airport in Guatemala!! I cannot believe how quickly this day come around. Today I head out to Dallas and leave on a very early flight tomorrow morning! I will be meeting up with Allison (Alli) in FL where both our connecting flight is and then we will make our way to Central America! Eee! Today is just another part of the journey! I can't wait!

Here's some photos from a couple days ago. My sister was awesome and went out with me to be my subject as I shot video and then we snapped some pictures!

I'm ready to take on the world!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

I'm Glad You're Here

Welcome to my Heart for Hearts mission blog! I will be trying to keep everyone updated as much as I can so if I miss a day bear with me :) I definitely want to share all about what's happening out in Guatemala!

UPDATE #9 -- 2 DAYS TILL GUATEMALA :: It's been about 8 days since my last post so forgive me for not updating you all till just now. The week before a trip like this is always craaaazy. It's bee exhausting but I'm glad I will get to rest up some tomorrow before flying out to Guatemala!

I REACHED MY FUNDRAISING GOAL 2 DAYS AGO! Yay!! Thank you all so much for your support, encouragment and prayers I could not have gotten to this point without you all. I receieved a couple checks in the mail and with those I was able to reach my goal! Praise God!! So awesome!

In other news, been doing some major preperation with unexpected things popping up now and then but everything at the moment has been smoothed out and I am just spending the day wrapping up paperwork and packing!! Be on the lookout Tuesday for a bloggie post (video log) on my blog. Don't forget you can sign up to be emailed when I post! Just look to the right column of this page and you'll find a spot for it!

Alrighty folks, I have some major packing to do! ¡Ciao!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

// O N E W E E K //

This past weekend I went galavanting around Austin to get essential items for the trip. One of those important things being preventative lice spray. Yep. You read right... lice. I was informed while out and about this weekend that a lice epidemic has occurred at the hogar. Those poor little girls :( Please be praying for their little heads and for all of us that we don't pick up lice as well! Everyone will be doing what they can to prevent it.

This week is going to go by incredibly quick I have no doubts about that. Today I had my last day of cleaning house for my parents. I've been doing this every other week to earn some extra spending and expense money for the trip and it takes all day so I'm pretty pooped. There's so much to do before next tuesday I am having to make sure I make my lists and check them twice. haha. I'm starting to throw things into my bag that I know I will be needing to pack which is exciting!

Let's see... Let's see... I don't think there's too much to update everyone on a week out other than how close we are to lift off! I am so close to reaching my fundraising goal so thank you so much to all who donated towards this trip I am so thankful and cannot wait to be serving with the Work, Play, Love team. There are a couple people who may be sending some donations so I'm sure that I will have reached the goal by the end of this week!

Be sure to check out the Work Play Love Facebook Page!

& be sure to sign up for updates from this blog it'll send you an email when I post. You can do that from the right hand column > > > >

Friday, May 9, 2014

Fundraising Ends Tomorrow

UPDATE #7 :: TWO DAYS LEFT FOR THE ONLINE FUNDRAISER! I only have $490 left to fundraise before the end of tomorrow, if anyone would like to give online they can give through this site which uses PayPal. Otherwise if anyone would like to give I can send you my address to send a check or I can give you my email to give directly through PayPal. Thank you all for your support of myself and ultimately the Work, Play, Love team who are working hard to do what they can for these children to help better their lives. (I'm not actually sure what time the fundraiser ends whether it is tomorrow at the end of the day or midnight tonight so as soon as I find out I will let y'all know)
11 DAYS TILL WE LEAVE FOR GUATEMALA! I will be running around town today to pick up some nessesary things for the trip like bug spray and sunscreen and all those wonderful things. I'm starting to gather all my equipment together to make sure I have everything ready to go!

Again here are those links for more information on Work,Play, Love, The Orphanage:

Please check out their Facebook
Or their website:

The Orphanage's Page:


Monday, May 5, 2014

¡Quince Dias!

May 20th is just 15 DAYS AWAY!! It's crunch time! Getting the most out of every day before the trip by making sure all bases are covered. Something that I find beautiful about filming documentary pieces is that you go in with an expectant perspective. I can do my best to plan the course of action, to make possible shot lists and plan to execute according to the vision of what Work, Play, Love is all about, yet, even with all the planning and preperation I know that there are some things that I just can't plan for and have to be flexible with how everything happens when it does. That could mean that there were unforseen challenges and/or it could mean that there were unexpected beauties that I was able to capture. It's all very exciting!! I am going into this trip expectant of great and beautiful things and I welcome the challenges that may present themselves becuase those challenges only grow me in my craft and give me wisdom to use in the future.

That's just a bit from my heart this afternoon. The fundraiser ends on the 10th of May! Just 5 days away :) Thank you to all who have shared the word about this fundraiser and to all who have given thank you for giving because of your giving I am able to give to Work, Play, Love and ultimately the children of Hogar Miguel Magone Orphanage.

Please check out their Facebook page: Facebook - Work, Play, Love

Or their website:

The Orphanage's Page: